Horizon Market is a PSBT market, like MagicEden. It’s a one-sided orderbook where users post signed Bitcoin transactions in order to sell Counterparty assets for BTC. Those orders may then be filled by buyers, who then co-sign and broadcast the seller’s Bitcoin transaction in order to execute an atomic swap of Counterparty assets for BTC.
Horizon’s PSBT Market is thus more like classified listings than a traditional exchange; and so, rather than charging for order execution, users pay to post sale listings.
Install Horizon Wallet’s Chrome extension from the Web Store: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/horizon-wallet/bnmgkjlaommgappfckljlelgahnbngme?authuser=0&hl=en
Open the newly-installed Horizon Wallet extension in your browser. If you already have a Counterparty wallet, select “Load Seed Phrase” and then enter your seed, and select what type of wallet it is the seed for. If you do not already have a Counterparty wallet, select “Create New Wallet”; you will then be provided with a new seed phrase; write this down and then enter it when prompted. You will then be prompted to create a passphrase for your wallet. You are now ready to use Horizon Wallet.
If you want to receive funds at your Horizon Wallet, click the QR code icon near the top of the wallet; this will show your account’s address.
Once you have some BTC at your Horizon Wallet address, you can purchase Counterparty assets on Horizon Market.
Go to https://horizon.market and then click the “Connect” button in the top-right of the page. The Horizon Wallet extension will then ask you to select an account and approve the connection request for Horizon Market.
If you want to sell your Counterparty assets on Horizon Market, you need to create an account. In the top-right corner of the page, click “Sign in”. Then enter an email address to associate with your Horizon Market account. You will get an email link to confirm your login. Open that link in the same browser as your Horizon Market browser tab. You will then be taken to a page which has a box to manage your account. You will see that you automatically have 2 credits on your account; this will allow you to post two listings to Horizon Market for free. Your purchasing options are as follows:
Credits may be purchased using BTC either individually ($2 per) or a bulk purchase of 5 credits ($9);
An unlimited monthly subscription may be purchased for $20 using either BTC or Stripe.
If you choose to make your purchase with BTC you will receive an email with your invoice; when you open that invoice, it will provide instructions on the amount of BTC to send and the address to which to send it; this can be done from any Bitcoin wallet. Once your transaction has been confirmed, your purchase will take effect.
Note: if you have both a subscription and credits then, if you post a listing on Horizon, your credits will remain unaffected. If you do not have your subscription then each listing you create will decrement your remaining credits by 1.
As a metaprotocol, Counterparty assets by default are tied to an address, rather than a UTXO, like BTC or Ordinals. However, with a recent protocol upgrade it is now possible to attach a Counterparty asset to a UTXO. To do so in Horizon Wallet simply search for the name of the asset you want to attach to a UTXO, and then click the paperclip: